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cruise liner中文是什么意思

用"cruise liner"造句"cruise liner"怎么读"cruise liner" in a sentence"cruise liner"的同义词


  • 旅游班轮
  • 巡游班轮旅游船


  • Welcome to the cruise liner white whale for our new year party
  • The cruise liner , qe2 , moves only six inches for each gallon of diesel that it burns
  • Also arrested were six suspected triad members and four staff members of a cruise liner
  • Some cruise liners over 100 , 000 tones can only berth at kwai chung container port
  • More than 150 passengers and crew - including 23 britons ? had to be rescued from freezing antarctic waters after their cruise liner hit an iceberg
  • More than 150 passengers and crew - including 23 britons ? had to be rescued from freezing antarctic waters after their cruise liner hit an iceberg
    在游船撞上冰山上后, 150多名乘客和船员,包括23个英国人,必须从南极冰水中被救起。
  • More than 150 passengers and crew - including 23 britons ? had to be rescued from freezing antarctic waters after their cruise liner hit an iceberg
  • More than 150 passengers and crew - including 23 britons ? had to be rescued from freezing antarctic waters after their cruise liner hit an iceberg
    游轮撞击冰山后, 150多名乘客和船员,包括23名英国人,必须从冰冷的南极水域营救出来。
  • More than 150 passengers and crew - including 23 britons ? had to be rescued from freezing antarctic waters after their cruise liner hit an iceberg
    一艘旅游轮船撞上冰山后, 150多名乘客和船员被从南极冰冷的水中救起,其中包括23名英国人。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
用"cruise liner"造句  


  • a passenger ship used commercially for pleasure cruises
    同义词:cruise ship,

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